Friday, February 27, 2015

Chapter 4

           Provenance is a documentation of ownership of a work of art dated from the date of creation which helps to prove authencicity. There are exceptions creation date is unknown such in the case of archeolgical finds. A slip in ownership is common in the case of art that was confiscated during WWII when Jewish owners work was stolen and then sold in American markets  True owners were the last legimate owners. There could be many works in museum in which the museum has gotten the illegally anmmmd is or should be responsible to return art or note the ownership.

          Museum are fearful of losing reknown works after the program of 1968 when many Rembrandt were found not to be from the master but were the work of his apprentices. The study of attributes were determining the style. The Universal Leonardo Project studied processes and technique rather than seeking the authencicity of his work, The Frick Museum still claims a Rembrandt to be the masters while it is highly questionable to be the artist's due to subject and attributes of his painting.

Chapter 9
          The name of the American Society of Independent Artists would suggest one would consider new independent work wanting to represent new study of questioning art. In hind sight and knowing Marcel Duchamp's fountain I would most likely accept the work however the mind set in the early 1900's the artworld was being rocked by his and other artists of Dadaism, Cubism,Abstraction etc. Art is always involving as to what is acceptable and deemed aesthically pleasing or does it have to be. The key word is independent that speaks of innovation and testing the traditional thinking of art.

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